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Creative Photography

Brief description
Photographer with an appreciation for art and a dedication to get noticed in the creative industry. Born in Derbyshire England, started studying photography in 2015. Contact for booking info.

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Liam J. Turner

Long description:

Born December 1999, I consider myself an artist with photography as my preferred medium. My full name is Liam James Turner, raised in Derbyshire, England. My photography education began in 2015.

I never felt a connection or "calling" to photography at first; it was simply a topic I chose to have an extra qualification. However, I found I was good at it and continued to pursue it into college - still, nonetheless, not feeling any true passion for the art. I just wanted something I could make a career out of.

Despite my lack of passion in past, I am convinced I can find some way of enjoying the subject while still making money from it. This is where I am at now. Inspiration, for me, comes not from any one particular area and varies greatly between projects.


The eventual goal is simply to enjoy photography as a form of expression and a career.

Photographer Liam J. Turner
Liam J. Turner
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